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Baldwin flowers
Address: Not Known
Date: 1895
Flowers spell out “Wardle”. According to Media Cemetery records, this would probably be Wardle E. Baldwin, born 1894, died 1895.
Friends of Village View, flowers
Address: Not Known
Date: 1900-1908
Village View was a neighborhood in Upper Providence Township adjacent to Media, Pa.
Henderson, funeral flowers
Address: Not Known
Date: 1890-1900
Probably related to AP-5306, but not the same flowers. In this photo the background buildings are masked out. Compare to AP-5063-4. Senders of flowers include: "Employees American Office," and "H 6", which would be Company H, 6th Regiment of the…
Horne, flowers, wet plate
Address: Not Known
Date: 1867-1877
Probably flowers for the funeral of one of the photographer's grandparents or parents. "Wet plate" refers to the photographic process used to capture the image. This is possibly a copy from a tintype.
Irving grave, with flowers, at Media Cemetery.
Date: 1900-1905
Media Cemetery identified as location from Mary W. Thorn gravestone in background. This grave could be for Henry Baker Irving (died 1900) or Laura E. Irving (died 1903).
Matheus Grave, with floral decorations, 1895
Address: Not Known
Date: 1895
Fresh grave, with floral decoration reading 'Baby" - appears to be in open field, not in public cemetery
Mrs. Maria Fussell, in coffin, deceased
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1897
Wife of Henry Bartholomew Fussell. Maria Douglass Fussell, 8/5/1822-9/11/1897, Media Cemetery, information from
Rogers' grave etc. with flowers, at Media Cemetery.
Date: 1895-1900
Entrance off N. Orange St., between Kirk La. and Rose Tree Rd. See also AP-5064. The Smedley family intermarried with the Rogers family. This is probably the grave of Ellen Jane Smedley Rogers who died 18 Oct 1899.
Rogers' grave, with boy in sailor's suit by grave in Media Cemetery
Date: 1890-1900
Entrance off N. Orange St., between Kirk La. and Rose Tree Rd. See notes and second photo at AP-5181
Rogers' grave, with flowers and boy in sailor's suit at grave, in Media Cemetery.
Date: 1895-1900
Entrance off N. Orange St., between Kirk La. and Rose Tree Rd. See also AP-5064. The Smedley family intermarried with the Rogers family. This is probably the grave of Ellen Jane Smedley Rogers who died 18 Oct 1899.
W. H. Henderson, flowers
Location: Delaware County (Pa.)
Date: 1901-07-10
Henderson is buried in Media Cemetery, but the date on photo precedes Henderson’s death, as reported in the newspaper, by five weeks. Either date is wrong or this picture shows the flowers of another person.