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  • Latitude/Longitude is exactly "39.900968, -75.459160"
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Wawa E. railroad bridge, east
Date: 1902 (circa)
Location is approximate. Bridge crossed Chester Creek; station stood south of Baltimore Pike near Station Rd. in Chester Heights, Pa.

Wawa E. railroad bridge, west view
Date: 1902 (circa)
Location is approximate. Bridge crossed Chester Creek; station stood south of Baltimore Pike near Station Rd. in Chester Heights, Pa.

Wawa railroad bridge, top
Date: 1900 (circa)
Location is approximate. Bridge crossed Chester Creek; station stood south of Baltimore Pike near Station Rd. in Chester Heights, Pa.

Wawa railroad bridge, north side
Date: 1900 (circa)
Location is approximate. Bridge crossed Chester Creek; station stood south of Baltimore Pike near Station Rd. in Chester Heights, Pa.

Wawa railroad bridge, south side over Chester Creek
Date: 1900 (circa)
Location is approximate. Bridge crossed Chester Creek; station stood south of Baltimore Pike near Station Rd. in Chester Heights, Pa.