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Black store, copy from map
Address: 119 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1855
Photographed from 1855 "Map of Media", location found on this map. Also called Nelling & Sons Grocery and Dry Goods Store. Black and Nelling both owned property at the northeast corner of State St. and Veterans Sq.
Brooke, Washington St. house
Address: 413 Baltimore Ave, Media (Pa.)
Date: 1889 (circa)
Used in “Media, Penna.” publication, 1889, p.15: “Residence of Mrs. Nathan Brooke”. 400 block, W. Baltimore Pike. House still stands as of 2018
Brooke, Orange St. House
Address: 435 S. Orange St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1889
Similar used in “Media, Penna.” publication, 1889, p. 53. Houses at 449, 435, and 423 S. Orange still stand (2018) and were identical when originally built. 435 is the best guess for this photograph.
J. W. Cooper, at stone
Address: 212 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1889 (circa)
Working in printing shop, probably the Delaware County American.
Delaware County Court House and jail, copy from map
Date: 1855
Photographed from 1855 "Map of Media." Photograph used in the book Twice Adopted, by "En Quad" [Thomas R. Vernon]. Media, Pa.: Cooper & Vernon, Publishers, 1898, facing page 8. This novel tells the story of two adopted children in Media who grow up…
Chestnut Grove House
Date: 1889-02-02
Used in “Media, Penna.” publication, 1889, p. 58. This later became the Colonial. This occupied property south of Jefferson St. and West of Orange St., above the railroad tracks just inside the Media borough boundary.
Catholic Church, front view
Address: 30 E. Franklin St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1889-01-19
Full name is Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, or Nativity BVM, for short.
Catholic Church, side view
Address: 30 E. Franklin St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1889-01-19
Full name is Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, or Nativity BVM, for short.
Charter House
Address: 201 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1889-02-14
Used In “Media, Penna.” publication, 1889, p. 13
Campbell A.M.E. Church
Date: 1889-01-19
This church stood on the south side of W. 3rd Street, between Orange St. and the former North Ave., now Broomall St. According to Frank Lees in From Media's Past (50), the cornerstone for the new church, at 3rd and Olive streets, was laid in 1930.
First Methodist Episcopal Church, Christmas house
Address: 350 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1895-1900
Location not identified in index, but located by comparing the design and arrangement of windows to other pictures of this church
Thomas V. Cooper, residence
Address: 2 E. Baltimore Pike, Media (Pa.)
Date: 1889-01-29
Media 1897 Directory: Washington (now Baltimore), corner of Jackson. Used in “Media, Penna.” publication, 1889, p. 16
Dutton Otley Cummins
Location: Media (Pa.)
Date: 1895-1900
House number in photograph is 349. Sign on porch post mentions Dr. Laine, probably Dr. D. T. Laine.
Dutton Otley Cummins
Address: 341 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1895-1900
Photo taken in front of 341 W. State St., Appleton's house
Charter House, D. R. Hawkins, Proprietor. Copy from map
Address: 201 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1855
Photographed from 1855 "Map of Media." Photograph used in the book Twice Adopted, by "En Quad" [Thomas R. Vernon]. Media, Pa.: Cooper & Vernon, Publishers, 1898, facing page 129. This novel tells the story of two adopted children in Media who grow up…
Dale mansion
Address: 423 S. Jackson St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1895-1900
This would have been about where the Church of Christ (housed in the former Woman's Club of Media building) is now located (2018).
Eastman residence
Address: Not Known
Date: 1889 (circa)
House of John I. Eastman, listed in 1885 Media Directory at Washington, now Baltimore Ave., and Lemon St. Image is in “Media, Penna.” publication, 1889, p. 37, as “Miss Eastman's Cottage." See also 1892 Map of Media.
Elephant, in front of Charter House
Address: 201 W. State St., Media (Pa.)
Date: 1890-1900
A unique form of advertising; see also AP-4077-2