Browse Items (17 total)

  • Street Address is exactly "201 W. State St., Media (Pa.)"
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Band wagon
Date: 1895-1900
See AP-4044-2 for a different band with African American players in the same or similar wagon. Charter House livery stable in background.

Band wagon
Date: 1895-1900
See AP-4044-1 for a different band with caucasian players in the same or similar wagon. Charter House livery stable in background.

Charter House
Date: 1889-02-14
Used In “Media, Penna.” publication, 1889, p. 13

Charter House
Date: 1906
Building behind the hotel is visible, with Republican Party banner partly hidden behind tree.

Charter House dining room
Date: 1900 (circa)
With flowers on one table.

Charter House office
Date: 1895-1900
Shows furnishings, lamps, clock, artwork on wall, potted plants

Charter House parlor
Date: 1895-1900
Clearly shows draperies, furniture, light fixtures, and potted plants

Charter House stable
Date: 1895-1900
See AP-5128 for information on this circle picture.

Charter House stairway
Date: 1895-1900
Shows furnishings, lamps, carpeting, artwork on wall, potted plants

Charter House, D. R. Hawkins, Proprietor. Copy from map
Date: 1855
Photographed from 1855 "Map of Media." Photograph used in the book Twice Adopted, by "En Quad" [Thomas R. Vernon]. Media, Pa.: Cooper & Vernon, Publishers, 1898, facing page 129. This novel tells the story of two adopted children in Media who grow up…

Charter House, front
Date: 1896
With two large willow trees in full leaf.

Elephant, in front of Charter House
Date: 1890-1900
A unique form of advertising; see also AP-4077-2

Elephant, in front of Charter House
Date: 1890-1900
A unique form of advertising; the elephant has a Charter House advertisement banner on its back. See also AP-4077-1

Media Fire Company, parading in front of Charter House
Date: 1901-10-02
Firemen in uniform; onlookers include numerous children; Charter House willows in full leaf.

Media Fire Company, parading in front of Charter House
Date: 1901-10-02
Firemen in uniform; onlookers include numerous children; Charter House willows in full leaf.

Thomas Rufus Vernon, Sr., on bicycle
Date: 1895-1900
"Charter House Livery and Boarding Stables" are in the background. Full name from an application for Sons of the American Revolution found on 77996897, which gives detailed information about several generations of the Vernon family.