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Jesse M. Baker Post, Spanish American War Veterans, 6th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
Address: Not Known
Date: 1949-04-30
Reunion committee, Spanish American War Veterans, 6th Regiment PA Volunteers. Identifications by Frank Lees: Left to right: Paul Garcia, secretary; E. Morris DeCann, treasurer; Walter S. Worrall, E. V. Streeper, William Westcott, president and…

Media Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees)
Address: Not Known
Date: 1949-05-26
New Board officers. Left to right: Norman Yarnall, Edwin E. Lippincott 2d (Theodore Lippincott), Robert M. Shellenberger, Jr., Samuel M. Blumberg, Jr., L. Benjamin Palmer, and John E. Houtman (Gus D. Houtman, Jr.). Names from the Chester Times, May…

Delaware County Tax Collectors Association
Address: Not known
Date: 1950-04-26
Crosby L. Smith, Media's tax collector, is on the far left.

Delaware County Tax Collectors Association
Address: Not known
Date: 1950-04-26
Crosby L. Smith, Media's tax collector, is on the far left.

Exchange Club of Central Delaware County
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-26
Left to right: Dr. Theodore Orr, Cyril McKeon, G. D. Houtman, James Green, and John Horgan.

Exchange Club of Central Delaware County
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-26
Left to right: Dr. Theodore Orr, Cyril McKeon, G. D. Houtman, James Green, and John Horgan. Centennial Book 41.

Boy Scouts, on outing near Media, Pa.
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-29
A note on the envelope reads: "This may be Upper Providence Troop No. 1." Some of the boys in the picture are wearing insignia that indicates they are from Media Troop 2. Negative damaged.

Boy Scouts, on outing near Media, Pa.
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-29
Some of the boys in the picture are wearing insignia that indicates they are from Media Troop 2. Negative damaged.

Boy Scouts, on outing near Media, Pa.
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-29
Some of the boys in the picture are wearing insignia that indicates they are from Media Troop 2. Negative damaged.

Boy Scouts, on outing near Media, Pa.
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-29
Some of the boys in the picture are wearing insignia that indicates they are from Media Troop 2. Negative damaged.

Boy Scouts on outing near Media, Pa.
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-29
Some of the boys in the picture are wearing insignia that indicates they are from Media Troop 2. Centennial Book 38. Negative damaged.

Media Fire Company officers
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-28
Left to right: William Hannum, Robert Ford, Charles Outland, Charles Higgins, Edward Gibson, Frank Lees, A. Randall Mathues, Bernard Cunningham, Richard Lavery, John Tipping, Centennial Book 26. Negative damaged.

Media Rotary Club officers
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-27
Left to right: Charles Higgins, John Barrall, William Battey, Rev. Charles V. Hassler, Frances Austin, Howard Wentz, Albin Ottey, Earle Suter, and George T. Lewis. Centennial Book 37.

Maude (Mrs. Frederick) Muller, Art for Friendship
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-29
Art for Friendship was a program sponsored by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, which Maude Muller served as the local chapter president. See Chester Times, March 23, 1950, page 37, and other stories. Negative damaged.

Maude (Mrs. Frederick) Muller, Art for Friendship
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-29
Art for Friendship was a program sponsored by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, which Maude Muller served as the local chapter president. See Chester Times, March 23, 1950, page 37, and other stories. Negative damaged.

Media Centennial Beard Contest. Bearded members of the Media Lions Club, who sponsored the contest.
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-25
HAIR FRINGES ON MEDIA LIONS CLUB MEMBERS – Nine members of Media Lions Club are sporting beads for the Media Centennial Celebration in June, and rightly so, for this club is the sponsorship unit for the beard-raising contest that has set the razor…

Media Lions Club, officers
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-25
Left to right: William Patterson, Frank Snear, Francis Gray, Robert W. Burke, A. Fred Manno, and James Stewart.

Media Lions Club, officers
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-25
Left to right: William Patterson, Frank Snear, Francis Gray, Robert W. Burke, A. Fred Manno, and James Stewart. Centennial Book 39.

Lynn baking a cake
Address: Not known
Date: 1950-04-14
No identification is provided on the negative envelope, but this may be the photographer's daughter, Lynn Zimmerman

Media Boys' Club, officers and directors
Address: Not Known
Date: 1950-04-03
Centennial Book 36. Caption in book does not identify the individuals.

Media Centennial Celebration. Borough Day. Parade of Fraternal Orders
Address: Not known
Date: 1950-06-09
Keystone Kops and "Judge" Snear (wearing long wig) in their paddy wagon.

Media Centennial Celebration. Borough Day. Parade of Fraternal Orders
Address: Not known
Date: 1950-06-09
Media Police Chief Malcolm Laughead, just before the start of the parade.